Grbl Controller (android)

ПОЛЕЗНО Grbl Controller (android) 2019-02-17

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Grbl Controller (Bluetooth | USB)

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Use your smart phone to stream G-Code to your CNC machine with GRBL 1.1 firmware.

* Supports Bluetooth and USB Otg connection.
* Supports Grbl 1.1 real time feed, spindle and rapid overrides.
* Simple and powerful jogging control with corner jogging.
* Uses buffered streaming.
* Real time machine status reporting (Position, feed, spindle speed, buffer state. Buffer status report needs to enabled using the setting $10=2).
* Supports Sending G-Code files directly from mobile phone. (Supported extensions are .gcode, .nc, .ngc and .tap. G-Code files can be placed anywhere in the phone or external storage).
* Supports short text commands (You can send G-Code or GRBL commands directly form the application).
* Supports Probing (G38.3) and auto adjusts Z-Axis.
* Manual tool change support with G43.1
* Four Highly Configurable Custom Buttons which supports multi line commands (Supports both short click and long click).
* Application can work in background mode, by utilizing the less resources, there by consuming less power.

Grbl Controller + Exclusive Features (paid version)
* Job resume (continue badly interrupted jobs, from nearly where they stopped)
* Four additional buttons in console tab ($$, $H, $G and $I)
* Job history (view all your previous jobs and their status)
* Haptic feedback (enables short vibration when buttons are pressed)
* XY jogging pad rotation.
* AB additional axis for custom grbl firmwares.

1. Bluetooth enabled or USB Otg supported smart phone with android version >= 4.4 (Kit Kat or above).
2. GRBL version >= 1.1f
3. Bluetooth module like HC-05 or HC-06.
4. Bluetooth module should be already paired with smart phone.
5. USB Otg adapter.

1. For any type of help please use GitHub channel. I can't provide any type of support in google play store comments.
2. On Android versions "Marshmallow" or above, use your OS permission manager and grant "Read External Storage" permission in order to get file streaming working.
3. G-Code files can be placed anywhere in the phone memory or external storage, but they must end with one of the supported extensions .gcoce or .nc or .tap or .ngc
4. If you are connecting Bluetooth module first time to your machine, then make sure you have changed the baud rate of the BT module to 115200. (Default baud rate of the GRBL 1.1v firmware is 115200 as 8-N-1 (8-bits, no parity, and 1-stop bit:).
6. USB otg only works with grbl baud rate of 115200.
7. For interface documentation and wiki pages visit
8 To get the application work in background with out any issues, you should disable power management ( if applicable ) for this application.
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